Summon is a new library search engine to help you find books, articles, databases, website, help guides, and more.
What is it?
The Summon search box allows you to type in one search to retrieve:
- books (at St. Kate's and other CLIC libraries)
- articles in journals (full-text and links to full-text when available)
- databases to do more in-depth searches
- help guides created by St. Kate's librarians
- websites
- multimedia (including videos and streaming videos)

How will this change things?
- Summon will replace WorldCat Local.
- CLICnet will still be available.
- Librarians will still be available!
When will all these changes happen?
- After finals
- The last week in May 2014
- Before Summer Session
- Stay tuned for new and improved search in fall 2014!
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